By April, the danger of frost is over, and it’s time to plant your summer hanging baskets. If you’re considering investing in new tables and chairs, like the stunning Norfolk Leisure LIFE garden furniture, you’ll want colour and vibrancy on your patio. Follow the steps below for a riot of colour in your garden by mid-summer.
Baskets and liners
Both wire and wicker baskets are durable and can be used year-on-year. Avoid being over ambitious in terms of size: a 12-inch or 14-inch basket will give you a sizeable display once it’s filled out. Moss, felt or ready-made cardboard liners are widely available.
Ideal plants for summer baskets
Always mix upright and trailing plants to ensure balance. Fuchsias are ideal for your central plant, as they offer both height and vertical growth, and geraniums provide great structure and longevity. For lots of colour, try nicotiana or pansies, and for foliage contrast, use dichondra silver and salvias. Trailing lobelias are ideal as fillers and provide great depth and full coverage.
Planting your baskets
Begin by filling your basket with a multi-purpose compost specifically designed for baskets and planters. Place your largest focal plant in the middle, then work outwards, making sure you leave space for the plants to grow. Use your trailing varieties on the outer edges. Finally, go back to fill in any airholes with compost.
Caring for your baskets
Consider a simple watering system attached to your outdoor tap on a timer, which is particularly useful when you’re away on holiday. If you’re going to water manually, remember to do so gently and slowly, so that the basket is fully soaked.
Well-planted baskets can bring your garden to life right through the summer, and they’re well worth the effort.