Why should I add a hedge to my garden?

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Why should I add a hedge to my garden?

One thing that many homeowners do not realise is just how many benefits there can be to planting a hedge in your garden. If this is something that you are considering, keep reading to find out why you should stop hedging your bets and get planting.

The first argument in favour of hedges is that they increase your levels of privacy in the garden. Think about it: you are sitting outside on your rattan garden furniture with a cold drink, but you are also in full view of your nosey neighbours. A hedge planted at the side that adjoins their home will ensure you can relax without worrying about people peeking at you.

Of course, you may not have those kinds of issues with your neighbours – but there are plenty of other reasons to plant a hedge. One is that it will act as a wind barrier during the autumn and winter months. This can really help any plants that you are growing to survive the harsh and cold winds that the UK gets in those seasons.

You might be thinking that a fence or wall would do the same job, but hedges are better as wind barriers. This is because they filter winds rather than blocking them entirely. This provides the sheltered microclimate needed for plants to bloom.

The last reason to think about planting a hedge is that it can be somewhere for birds to nest. This will increase your chances of attracting them.

Add a hedge today to reap the benefit.

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