Pigeons are always not the most popular of birds.
Their aggressive style of feeding and willingness to gobble more or less anything can make them a menace. That is certainly true if you have feeders and want to keep them in good condition – so read on for some handy tips of keeping the pigeons away!
Think about perch sizes
It is possible to get bird feeders with smaller than average perches, specifically to make it harder for pigeons.
They are sizeable birds and need a big perch to balance comfortably on, so feeders of this sort will give smaller birds the edge. You could even sit on your Charles Taylor garden furniture and watch the pigeons trying (and failing) to keep their balance!
Of course, you can always provide the pigeons with some extra feed scattered at the base of your bird feeder, if you’re feeling kind.
Try weight-activated feeders
You can also try specialist weight-activated feeders to keep pesky pigeons away.
These have an ingenious design whereby the feeding holes close automatically if the bird on the perch is over a set weight. Perhaps not surprisingly (given their eating habits), pigeons are among the heaviest birds around, so they will struggle to guzzle from one of these feeders.
Put mesh around the feeders
Putting some mesh around the feeders that features holes big enough for little birds is a third method. This will guarantee that the species small enough to slip through will still visit your garden, but the unwanted ones will learn to stay away.
You can buy mesh very cheaply, or just make some yourself if you prefer.
We hope these tips help!