Christmas is a time for giving, but it can also be a time when you end up with more clutter than you need in the house, especially if you’re already struggling on where to put your Christmas decorations.
If you still want to give special gifts this year or put things on your own Christmas list but you’re running out of storage space, the new ‘clutter-free’ gifting trend could be the ideal solution.
1. Days out
Purchasing a day out for someone can be just as thoughtful as a physical gift, especially if you tailor it to their interests. Some ideas are booking an escape room, a hot air balloon ride, a movie voucher, or a restaurant voucher.
2. Memberships
If your loved one has a passion or enjoys visiting places such as museums, you can buy a membership as a gift at some places like zoos or national parks. This gift can also last longer than a gift you’d open and pop on a shelf somewhere.
3. Treatments
If you know your family member or friend enjoys going to get their nails or hair done, offer to pay for an appointment. They will surely be grateful for such a thoughtful gift that saves them a little bit of money as a one-off.
4. Classes/lessons
Do you have a family member who has always wanted to go to a cooking class? Well, you could buy them their first lesson, giving them the excuse to go and try the class out. For your younger family members, driving lessons are also a good idea as it can be very expensive for new learners.