Creating a new lawn from turf is the easiest way to establish a new area of grass. It can be enjoyed, along with your rattan garden furniture, just a few days after laying.
Types of turf
Turf varies in size and thickness, so check carefully. Also bear in mind that it should be laid within 24 hours. Thinner turf will root in more quickly, and you should avoid any turf that contains a high proportion of weeds.
Before laying
Use weed killer to get rid of weeds, but avoid the residual type as it can affect the establishment of the new lawn. Rotovate or dig to 20-25cm, then add well-rotted manure to ensure moisture retention. Leave to settle for several days or even weeks. Tread the area several times in different directions, then repeatedly rake each way before adding general-purpose fertiliser.
Laying the turf
Start at one side, facing the soil. Lay sods in a staggered pattern, as with bricklaying, and ensure there are no gaps. You can use sandy soil to help lay a level surface, then afterwards add a light layer of this to fill any gaps. Firm in by using a roller, or a flat section of wood attached to a broom. If laying turf over an old flowerbed, place a little higher than the rest of the lawn so that it levels out as the soil settles.
After laying
Leave the turf alone for at least a few days while the roots take hold. Mow, with high blades, once it has grown to at least 5cm. Water every 5-10 days during dry weather, or otherwise once per fortnight.