Why a houseplant makes the perfect present this Christmas

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Why a houseplant makes the perfect present this Christmas

The trend of botanicals has been gaining momentum over the last few of years, fuelled more recently by our newfound love of the outdoors and a growing sense that our homes and gardens are no longer separate entities.

Greenery everywhere

Fabrics that feature leaf designs, framed prints of fruits and vegetables, and conservatory-style furniture are hugely popular and hothouse tropicana is the go-to style for many new restaurants and bars. What ties all this together is the incredible renaissance of the houseplant, both real and artificial. Once regarded as the staple of student housing and the epitome of 1970s home styling, we have now come to an understanding of the positive role houseplants can play in our sense of wellbeing.

Good for us

Whether it’s a tiny cactus or a sprawling rubber plant, having greenery in our homes lifts our spirits, improves our air quality and reminds us that nature is beautiful. With less colour in our winter gardens, house plants are even more welcome and make great Christmas presents. When you take your Christmas decorations down and the house suddenly looks drab and empty, a moth orchid or a lemon lime dracaena can liven up your home.

The gift of a house plant is long lasting and can be appreciated for years, making for a memorable present. Whether it’s a potted bamboo plant, a fragrant aloe vera or a softly cascading ivy, you’ll find there’s a house plant to suit everyone in the family.

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