Many of us have regular feathered visitors to our gardens, and they’re so important to the growth of our plants and crops, so it’s equally as important to make sure they feel at home and will come back for more visits.
One way to attract birds is to provide a food source. However, this must be carefully considered because like humans, they can have dietary disorders and have specific needs.
Again, similarly to humans, birds need protein. They can gain this naturally from insects so setting up your garden so it’s easier for them to find insects is ideal. Alternatively, you can fill your bird feeders with seed mixes that are high in protein.
Insects also provide calcium for birds. This is helpful for bone growth like us humans. Calcium is also imperative for the development of bird eggs during breeding. Bird fat balls are a great source of calcium for our garden birds, and they are made so that they’re easy for birds to consume.
During the winter months, birds will need a lot more energy due to low food sources and having to use more of that energy to seek out sustenance. You can fill your bird feeders with bird seed or mixes that are high in energy, and make sure they’re easy to access if there’s snow or frost.
A good idea is to monitor which type of birds visit your garden most often so you can research the best types of foods and environments that they thrive in.