Britain might not be the first country you think of regarding colourful birds, but some of those most commonly seen in the nation’s gardens do sport some very pretty plumage. Here are some of the brightest birds you might see, right on your own doorstep.
1. Blue tit
The mix of white, yellow, green and blue feathers makes for one of Britain’s favourite garden birds. During winter, tits of different kinds join up as one flock to source food, and the blue tit is a common sight at British bird feeders.
2. Great tit
Larger than a blue tit, this close relative is the biggest type of native tit. Its striking black head with white cheeks, as well as its size, distinguishes it from the smaller blue tit.
3. Chaffinch
The distinctive pink breast of the male chaffinch makes it easy to spot, and the species are often seen in the nation’s gardens. Originally woodland birds, chaffinches are frequently seen hopping around the lawn or flower beds, close to trees, bushes or hedges.
4. Greenfinch
A flying greenfinch treats those who spot it to a colourful splash of bright green and yellow – even the female, who at first sight appears more brown than green.
5. Goldfinch
This diminutive species often travels in flocks, so you’re likely to see a number of these brightly coloured birds at once. Their small size, red face and bright yellow wing feathers make them easy to spot.
6. Bullfinch
The bright pink breast of the male bullfinch, as well as its black head and sizeable bill, make it as unmistakable as it is delightful to see.