If have a spot that rarely sees the sun – perhaps under a tree, in a dark corner or in the shadow of a fence – you might want to try planting one of these shade-loving favourites. Having well-conditioned, loose soil will give any new planting the best chance to thrive. Loosen the area with a fork, remove any roots and debris and dig in a bag of all-purpose compost to increase nutrient levels and get some air into the patch you’re planting.
Hostas, sometimes known as plantain lilies, are an excellent choice for a deeply shaded area. Twilight is a slug-resistant variety that has shiny green leaves with creamy yellow edges, and for a larger spread, try Paul’s Glory, a lovely variety with heart-shaped leaves and a golden centre. With white-edged foliage and pretty lilac flowers in summer, El Niño Green is another reliable choice.
Our woodlands and hedgerows are full of these ancient plants and, as their curled fronds gradually unfurl in spring, ferns provide a display of intensely green, laced leaves. Known as the Shuttlecock Fern, Matteuccia Struthiopteris will tolerate deep shade and has tall, upright fronds. For lighter cover, try the Maidenhair Fern – its small, fan-shaped leaves cascade beautifully.
These lovely plants are surprisingly sturdy, yet their leaves are delicate and their flowers come in pale yellows, pinks, and lilacs. Fire Dragon, Lilac Seeding and Wudang Star are particularly attractive varieties.
The right planting can transform a dark, overlooked corner into a perfect spot for Outback reclining chairs, an enjoyable book and some quiet relaxation.