Spring is the time for sowing seeds, so the flowers are in full bloom by summer. It is also when the weather starts improving and you can spend more time in your garden. Read on for some tips for making the most of spring.
Sort out the borders and beds
Before you can start to plant, you need to make sure that the borders and flower beds are ready. Clear away any excess grass and perennials and strip them down to just the soil. Rather than throwing them away, the weeds, grasses and other materials you have removed can be composted.
Get the furniture out
Now that spring has arrived, it is an ideal time to get the garden furniture out of storage ready for spring and summer parties. Bear in mind that the season can still be a little unpredictable in weather terms though. Buying some Garland garden furniture covers will let you protect your furniture against showers without having to keep moving it in and out of storage.
Plant some seeds early
Many summer flowers – for example, begonias and geraniums – take a bit longer to really grow to full bloom. Therefore, they should be in the ground by early spring at the latest if you want to enjoy them at full effect during the summer.
Clean the greenhouse
If you have a greenhouse, this will be the time to give it a thorough wash. Use detergent or disinfectant on the outside glass to get rid of dirt, moss or algae, so that light can penetrate to the plants inside.
By following these tips, you’ll be ready to enjoy your garden to the fullest this summer.